Depression and symptoms

Depression and symptoms

Depression and symptoms

Depression is a disease that is very difficult for the people of the modern world, both mentally and physically. Through the news, we have learned that many famous people in India suffered from depression and got rid of it with time. Depression affects all men and women. In this era of busy lives, the number of depressed patients is also increasing day by day. As many as 10% of people who present to the hospital with other medical conditions because they have difficulty realizing that they have depression are later identified as having depression as the real problem. Depression is a disease that affects people of all ages, from very young children to the elderly, and can lead to death if not diagnosed and treated on time. Health experts estimate that depression will become the most common disease in the world by 2030.


What is depression?

Depression is caused by changes in the brain and nervous system. It is a serious illness that affects the patient’s thoughts and thereby controls their actions. When a person’s diet, sleep, and personality are severely affected, depression becomes a disease. Stress in the fields of education and work, losing the love of loved ones, facing financial crises, and teenagers not being able to live up to everyone’s expectations can lead to depression for many reasons. The disease can be completely treated and cured if the differences are identified and treated first. After diagnosis, it can be completely reversed through psychotherapy and medication.

Symptoms of depression

  • Sudden anger or getting angry without reason; aggressive attitude
  • Feel depressed and sad most of the time.
  • Lack of interest in daily activities and difficulty completing them
  • Loss of self-esteem and confidence
  • Feeling guilty and blaming oneself for past failures
  • Continually thinking about hurting yourself, killing yourself, or dying.
  • Feeling guilty and blaming oneself for past failures
  • Continually thinking about hurting yourself, killing yourself, or dying
  • Be hopeless about the future.
  • Feeling unmotivated and unsatisfied with what is being done
  • Occasional crying for no reason as well as being seen with a crying face

How to reduce?

  • Reduce stress
  • Exercise
  • Watch your diet
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep.
  • Take counseling, if necessary.
  • Give up an addiction

It’s a serious medical condition that requires immediate treatment. If anyone in the family suffers from this disease, the peace and happiness of the family will be lost. If depression worsens and becomes untreatable, things can change to the point where it affects the person’s physical, mental, and behavioral patterns for the rest of their life. The sooner the treatment is received, the better the chances of a full recovery and absence of recurrence.

There is no sure way to cure depression. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Try to reduce stress as much as possible by doing things you enjoy. Keep trying to recover. Find time to spend with family and good friends, and talk openly about stressful or difficult times. Depression is a disease that can be treated quickly if treatment is started early. So, get proper treatment as soon as you experience minor mental and physical difficulties. Decsa Clinic in Calicut will provide the best remedial treatment for depression and psychological problems.

All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.




The unique issues related to the mental health of girls and women are of particular importance today. One in five suffers from common mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. Many women find it difficult to express their feelings and suppress them. Certain mental health conditions are more common in women and can affect a woman’s overall health. Depression, eating disorders, and self-harm are some of the most common mental health issues faced by women. Let’s see what the ways are to overcome them.


Women are twice as likely to develop depression than men. Although mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobias affect men and women equally, women are twice as likely as men to develop panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.


Perinatal depression

Having a baby is a life-changing event. For some women, it can cause post-partum depression (after giving birth) or depression during pregnancy. Perinatal depression is not a sign of weakness. Seek support from family and friends to manage it. Seek the help of a medical professional to help manage your symptoms.



Although every woman’s menopause experience is unique, many women experience other symptoms in addition to menopause. The body goes through many changes. Examples are changes in your mood, mood swings, anxiety, and fatigue.



Estimates suggest that approximately 20% of women may have experienced some form of sexual assault at some point in their lifetime. This can increase the cause of developing mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder.


Eating disorders

According to statistics, women account for 85 percent of anorexia and bulimia cases, and eating disorders affect 65 percent of women. Women always think about their body weight. This makes them stressed about having a perfect body image and thus hampers their mental health. If you have trouble connecting with people, have negative self-esteem, or don’t take care of yourself physically, you should seek help from a psychologist. Seek help from a medical professional if you experience depression, suicidal thoughts, or increased cravings for addictive substances.


How to improve mental health in women

Being happy all the time is not the only sign of good mental health. Women with good mental health can appropriately feel joy, sadness, anger, and enthusiasm. Here are some simple ways to keep your mental health in good shape:

  • Give importance to your own life.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Practice meditation.
  • Sleep 8 hours per day
  • Seek help from others when needed.
  • Say good things about yourself and others.
  • Make new friends and connections.
  • Participate in activities you love.


All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.




Most people experience sadness, loneliness, and depression in their lives. It happens as a result of certain thoughts in your mind. Or maybe it’s your reaction to certain things. But when your emotions are overwhelming, it can cause physical problems and last longer. Sometimes it can prevent you from leading a normal life. A common symptom of depression is “persistent sadness”. Anxiety and sudden changes in appetite are considered symptoms of a bad temper. But if these symptoms persist for a while, they can be warning signs of mental illness.


In this article, you can read about some of the symptoms that indicate that your mental health is suffering. Abnormal Sleep and Eating Habits A good sleep pattern is essential to your overall health and sleep rejuvenates your body. It fills you with the energy to perform daily activities. But not getting enough sleep can lead to stress, depressive symptoms, and body aches. Research suggests a neurological connection between sleep and mental health. Anxiety and depression can cause you to have insomnia. It can also cause sudden appetite changes in you. Symptoms such as excessive stress and poor sleeping habits may be due to a lack of energy. This can lead to a decrease in one’s overall daily activities. Due to this, you may not be able to complete many tasks on time. You may also not be paying enough attention to your body. This can be considered another symptom of impaired mental health. Difficulty getting up in the morning and laziness about doing daily activities are all symptoms you should watch out for.

All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy and  Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.

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