Are children overly anxious during exams? What parents need to know

Are children overly anxious during exams? What parents need to know


As parents, we want our children to achieve in school. But when it comes to exams, many students become overly anxious and can struggle to do their best. This can be especially difficult for children who already have anxiety, or who don’t do well under pressure.

It’s important for parents to recognize when their children are feeling overly anxious during exams and to help them find ways to manage their anxiety. Here are a few tips for parents to help their children cope with exam anxiety.

First, make sure your child gets enough rest and eats healthy meals. Getting enough rest and eating well can help keep your child alert and focused during exams.

Second, try to reduce the amount of stress your child feels. This can be done by helping your child create a study plan that gives them plenty of time to review the material and finish assignments.

Third, encourage your child to take breaks during their studying. Breaks can help your child stay focused and refresh their mind, so it can better absorb new information.

Finally, talk to your child about their stress and fears. Let your child know that it’s normal to feel anxious and that you are there to help them. Reassure them that they can succeed if they prepare adequately.

By following these tips, parents can help their children manage their anxiety during exams and do their best. It’s important to remember that exams are only one part of a student’s overall academic performance and that other factors such as effort, participation, and attitude have a much larger impact on success.

Anxiety is good up to a point to study well. But don’t let it lead to bigger psycho-physical problems. Excessive anxiety is a major problem seen in children. Anxiety is good to a certain extent. They can learn and perform better only if they are scared. When you look at it like this, the fear of the exam is common. Then we will see how that fear becomes a problem.

Some children are very fearful. For example, those who start showing craze for an upcoming exam. The next step is physical discomfort from this fear. With the increase of such disturbances and physical and mental problems, the child is unable to write the exam (Anxiety Disorder).


Restlessness, insomnia, difficulty continence, palpitations, shortness of breath, urinary incontinence, abdominal pain/diarrhea.


In any of the above three stages, the child can be seen by a psychologist and given the necessary counseling. Children can be saved by giving them relaxation therapy and learning techniques that make it easier to learn and remember.

What parents should do

  • There should not be an impression that once the children are sent to school, that is all.
  • Children’s behaviors, associations and learning should be carefully monitored.
  • Spend time with children like a friend. An opportunity should be prepared to tell the parents openly about anything. That way you can understand and find solutions to problems in their behavior or behavior.
  • Always try to instill in the children a strong sense of security that they are not alone but with their father and mother. In this way one can understand and find solutions to small and big problems in their character, behavior or thoughts.


DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

There are many aspects to good health and these days, personal stress relief is an important part of the equation. Stress has a huge impact on our physical, mental and emotional health, so it’s important to learn how to manage it in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

We all experience stress differently, so it may take different approaches to stress relief for different people. Here’s what you need to know about how stress affects you and what our stress relief needs are:

All stress is suffering

With the media we get these days, it’s easy to think that stress is something that can be isolated from life and avoided.

Interestingly, however, there are many different types of stress, all of which are bad enough for you—in fact, some stress is positive, but necessary for healthy functioning. Aesthetes, for example, is an energetic positive that leads to feelings of arousal and stimulation. Without this, life can be very frustrating, depression can be difficult, and getting rid of all stress is not the best goal.

But long-term stress results from the body being in a state of permanent immunity, where the body’s responsiveness to bias—for a showdown or a fast-paced trip—makes the body go on and on and on. It’s the kind of hair-raising stress that’s gotten the bad press it’s gotten. Chronic stress can take its toll on your body, leading to many serious illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Common stress symptoms

Stress affects your immune system, so anything from a cold to a heart attack can be a sign that you need to be discouraged.

However, there are some common symptoms of stress:

  • Headache
  • High blood pressure
  • Low libido
  • Emotional eating
  • Burnout
  • Memory lapses and “fuzzy thinking”
  • Sleep problems

Certain types of people have a greater need for stress

Just as there are different types of stress, there are different types of people, and some are more susceptible to stress than others.


The level of threat (beyond an actual threat) resulting from the body’s stress, homeostasis, or the body’s ability to return to its normal state, also varies from person to person, with some people calming down immediately, others hours after being triggered by excessive stress.

Certain personality types are also more likely to cope with stress and respond to tendencies or ineffective solutions such as ‘Type A’ people. For more information, see these more stress-reactive personality traits and see how well you fit on the spectrum.


Stress relief comes in many forms

All of these differences complicate the question of whether a person is experiencing unhealthy stress or enjoying a wonderful life. Certain lifestyle factors and attitudes can give clues. The following tool can help you assess your stress situation and resources specifically targeted to you.

  • The Personal Stress Reliever Tool This quick resource gives you access to hundreds of thousands of stress relievers designed best for your personality and lifestyle.
  • Quiz: What Are Your Stress Symptoms? Not sure how you handle stress and are your responses actually helpful? This quiz will help!

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

Couples therapy is one of the most important investments a couple can make in their relationship. It can help couples work through difficult issues and build stronger, healthier relationships. But how do you know when it’s time to take the plunge and seek professional help? Here are 8 signs that indicate you and your partner might need couple therapy.

  1. You’re having the same arguments over and over. If you and your partner find yourselves having the same arguments again and again, it could be a sign that you need to take a step back and look at the underlying issues. A good couples therapist can help you identify the root cause of your disagreements and work through them in a constructive way.
  2. Communication has broken down. When communication breaks down, it can be difficult to get back on track without help. A couples therapist can help you and your partner reframe the way you communicate and work on building trust and understanding.
  3. You’re no longer on the same page. If it feels like you and your partner have different goals and priorities, couples therapy can help you bridge the gap. A therapist can help you and your partner come up with a plan for how to move forward together.
  4. You’ve stopped having fun together. Your relationship should be fun and enjoyable. If it feels like you’ve lost the spark, couples therapy can help you and your partner rekindle the flame.
  5. You feel disconnected. If it feels like you and your partner are drifting apart, couples therapy can help you find a way to reconnect. A therapist can help you and your partner explore how to nurture a healthy, loving relationship.
  6. You’re struggling with intimacy. Intimacy issues can be hard to talk about without help. A couples therapist can help you and your partner explore how to build a deeper connection and foster a more intimate relationship.
  7. Your relationship feels stuck. If it feels like your relationship has reached a stalemate, couples therapy can help you and your partner move forward. A therapist can help you identify areas of conflict and work through them in a constructive way.
  8. You’ve experienced a major life change. Big life changes can be hard to navigate without help. A couples therapist can help you and your partner adjust to the changes and find a way to move forward together.

If you’re seeing any of these signs in your relationship, it could be a sign that you and your partner need couple therapy. Don’t wait to seek help—the sooner you take action, the sooner you can get back on track.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>


Anger can be controlled… Here are some easy techniques

Do you have a temper tantrum? Are you angry about anything? Anger needs to be controlled to lead a peaceful and peaceful life ahead. There are several reasons for excessive anger.

Anger is a normal emotion, but it can become a problem if it’s not managed correctly. Luckily, there are some easy techniques you can use to control your anger and avoid it from taking over your life.

Depression, inferiority complex, anxiety, depression, and lack of confidence are just some of them. This is why many problems become more complicated without finding a solution. The circumstances of anger are different. Therefore, the way to face them is also different. There are some techniques that can help control excessive anger.

Hold your tongue

It is true that a spoken word is like a shot arrow. When we are angry, the things we say without mental control will make the problem worse later. So try not to talk when you feel angry.

Mind must be practiced

If you can control your mind, you can get rid of the feeling that nothing was needed when everything is done. Understand things and react only according to the circumstances. When you are angry, you can try counting down to one hundred, close your eyes and breathe in and out, and remember the good times you had together.

An overview of yourself

When, with whom and why do you feel angry? How do you react to anger? Does it affect your mental and physical health? What is the reaction of others?

Trying to find answers to these questions often helps you evaluate yourself and make changes in your behavior accordingly.

By engaging in things that make the mind happy, you can quickly subdue the mind. It is very easy for those who see life as pleasant and have a good sense of humor.

It will help you to face even serious problems with ease. Even if you feel a little angry, develop the mindset to not aggravate the problems.

It is easy to find solutions to most problems if you can react calmly and not get irritated. But remember one thing. Never make decisions or think of solutions when angry. After the mind is calm, analyze what happened and why and solve the problem.

If you are unable to control your anger after trying all possible means, it may be helpful to seek professional advice. Sometimes you have problems that can be solved with a counseling session. If you are a drug user, get rid of it. Remember, pre-emptive measures do not solve anything


DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

Postpartum depression is a serious mental health disorder that can affect new mothers after giving birth. It is a condition that can cause feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, and isolation.

The news of the birth mother taking the life of her babies is increasing day by day. Mother jumps into river after taking baby, mother commits suicide after killing baby, death of newborn; Mother arrested… this is how the news headlines go.

Depression that follows

Are they a mother? They will be mentally ill or will be judged by the public by fabricating non-existent scandals. Apart from analyzing the background behind mothers becoming criminals, it is also important to understand their psychological state. Studies suggest that postpartum depression in mothers may play a role in infant maltreatment. Mental health plays a significant role in reducing infant mortality and preventing maternal suicide.

Hormonal changes

Postpartum depression is depression that occurs after childbirth. This state of mind, which lasts from the end of pregnancy to a few months after the baby is born, can be divided into three. Postpartum Blues, Postpartum Depression, Postpartum Psychosis. Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels in women with childbirth can lead to depression and hopelessness. This is a very serious state of mind that not many people discuss. A society that blames and ridicules the unnatural changes in women’s behavior after childbirth is never familiar.

Psychiatrist advice is required

If you experience symptoms of postpartum depression, it is essential that you seek the advice of a psychiatrist. This is necessary in the situation where the mental stress gradually increases and reaches an uncontrollable state. The first thing that needs to change is the mindset of the society that labels everyone who sees a psychiatrist as crazy. Don’t hesitate to see your doctor immediately if you feel distressed or have abnormal thoughts.

Why depression?

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, weakness during labour days, worries about baby care, family environment, birth defects, mental stress, loss of loved ones, pre-existing mental health, hereditary depression in family members, complications in first delivery etc. can lead to postpartum depression.

Emotional support that brings joy

Postpartum depression is treated using the REACH approach. This therapy uses various steps like reassurance, motivation, appreciation, communication and psychological support. There are many hospitals around us that have made prenatal and postnatal counseling mandatory. A counseling session called antepartum counseling in hospitals should be attended by the pregnant woman and her family members.

Family support is essential

Unrecognized as postpartum depression, continuous accusations and complaints, lack of adequate treatment and family support lead to violence and suicidal thoughts. Having the right knowledge about this condition and having a mind to treat others sympathetically can eliminate the serious conditions caused by this disease to a certain extent.


DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

10 Signs You May Need Relationship Counseling

No two relationships are the same and no two people are the same, which can make it difficult to recognize when a relationship is in trouble and when it might be time to seek outside help. While couples counseling is a great way to try and salvage a relationship, it is important to recognize the signs that your relationship could benefit from professional counseling. Here are 10 signs that you may need to consider relationship counseling:


  1. You’re no longer having meaningful conversations:

Communication is key in any relationship and when communication breaks down, it can be a sign that a relationship is in trouble. If you and your partner no longer have meaningful conversations or if it seems like all you do is argue, it might be time to seek counseling.


  1. You’re no longer enjoying each other’s company:

If you’re no longer looking forward to spending time with your partner, it could be a sign that something is wrong in your relationship. If you find yourself making excuses to avoid spending time with your partner, it might be time to seek counseling to rekindle the connection.


  1. You’re constantly fighting:

All couples fight, but if it feels like all you do is fight and you can’t seem to resolve your issues, it could be a sign that it’s time to seek counseling. A counselor can help you to identify the root of your issues and help you to come up with solutions.


  1. You’re feeling disconnected:

If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner and you feel like you’re living more like roommates than a couple, it could be a sign that your relationship is in trouble. If it feels like your relationship is lacking intimacy, counseling can help to bring you back together.


  1. You’re feeling unhappy:

If you’re constantly feeling unhappy and you feel like your relationship is stagnant and you’re not making any progress, it could be time to seek counseling. A counselor can help you to identify the issues in your relationship and help you to develop strategies to address them.


  1. You’re having trust issues:

Trust is essential in any relationship and if you’re having trust issues, it’s time to seek help from a professional. A counselor can help you to identify the issues that are causing you to mistrust your partner and help you to rebuild the trust between you.


  1. You’re facing a major life transition:

Life transitions can be difficult for couples and can put a strain on a relationship. If you’re facing a major life transition like a move, a new job, or a new baby, it might be a good idea to seek counseling to make sure you’re both on the same page.


  1. You’re feeling overwhelmed:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your relationship and like you’re not sure what to do, it could be time to seek counseling. A counselor can help you to identify the issues in your relationship and help you to come up with a plan to address them.


  1. You’re feeling resentful:

Resentment is one of the most destructive forces in a relationship and if you’re feeling resentful towards your partner, it’s important to seek help. A counselor can help you to identify the issues that are causing you to feel resentful and help you to move past them.


  1. You don’t feel like you’re being heard:

Feeling like you’re not being heard or like you’re not being taken seriously can be a sign that your relationship is in trouble. If you feel like your concerns aren’t being taken seriously or that your partner isn’t listening to you, it might be time to seek counseling to get your relationship back on track.


If you’re experiencing any of these signs in your relationship, it might be time to seek help from a professional. Relationship counseling can be a great way to get your relationship back on track and to identify and address any issues that might be causing problems.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

How to reduce Anxiety with the help of  food ? The study points out that there has been an increase in the number of people complaining about anxiety and mental stress during this covid period. Anxiety causes many diseases and symptoms. It can also lead one to many health problems.

Whatever food we eat affects the health of our body and mind alike. Changes in brain chemicals often lead to anxiety.

Anxiety and stress are two problems that plague many people today. Many people don’t know that certain foods can help reduce our anxiety. A balanced diet along with proper exercise will not only benefit your physical health but also your mental health.

Hera are some foods that help reduce anxiety :

  1. Yoghurt

Eating yogurt can help ease anxiety and improve mood. Studies have found that active probiotic compounds in fermented foods can help reduce anxiety and stress. About 95% of the body’s serotonin production takes place in the gut. If the digestive system is not healthy enough to sustain the production of serotonin, it can affect mental health.

  1. Almonds

Almonds have many health benefits. Almonds are not only good for heart health, but also they help reduce anxiety. Vitamin E and Omega-3 in it keep the brain functioning at its best. How much magnesium-rich foods you eat can reduce mild symptoms of anxiety.

  1. Blueberry

Studies show that antioxidants and vitamin C reduce anxiety. It is rich in vitamin C. Eating blueberries can help prevent anxiety, researchers say. Blueberries can be added to smoothies or smoothies.

  1. Salmon

Salmon is another great food for anxiety, known for its omega-3 fatty acid content. Regular consumption of salmon helps reduce cortisol and adrenaline levels.

  1. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains nutrients that produce antioxidants that help relieve anxiety. The flavonols in dark chocolate help increase blood flow to the brain. Or dark chocolate can lower cortisol levels in the body. Studies have found that dark chocolate  improve mood and reduce anxiety.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a common spice. The compound curcumin in it helps prevent anxiety disorders. Eating turmeric increases levels of DHA, a fatty acid critical for brain development and the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Studies have also found that curcumin can play a role in alleviating depression.

  1. avocado

Avocados are a superfood  full of healthy fats and fiber. It has been shown to reduce a person’s risk of developing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes.  Avacadoes are rich in B vitamins, they are especially important for mental health. Studies have found that more B vitamins in one’s diet can help reduce stress and anxiety.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

Common premarital problems and solutions

In the wake of blind westernization, we can see the young generation all around us who are not legally married, live together without the knowledge of their families and seek the protection of the law only when problems to overcome premarital counseling. Common premarital problems and solutions. Feeling that they don’t get love from home, teenagers look for love on social media, get into the wrong relationships, leave home and end up in situations where they can’t come back. The use of drugs is increasing among the young generation and illicit relations and immoral acts are increasing in our country due to its intoxication.

We are passing through a time where divorce and marital problems are increasing day by day. The new generation is not a people like the old generation, who hold everything inside and put up with everything, no matter what problems they have. Higher education, self-employment, financial security and sense of rights have empowered the new generation to speak out and react against injustice, but when examining the complaints brought before the Women’s Commission in the last few years, it can be seen that most of the cases are related to marital discord. Due to the proliferation of social media, wives who leave their husbands and leave their homes in cheating pits, wives who try to live with their new husbands after killing their children, and lovers who kill the girl if love fails, are gathering in Kerala today.

In the wake of blind westernization, we can see the young generation all around us who are not legally married, live together without the knowledge of their families and seek the protection of the law only when problems arise. Feeling that they do not get love from home, teenagers turn to social media to get love and get into wrong relationships and run away from home and end up in situations where they cannot come back. The use of drugs is increasing among the young generation and the illicit relationships and immoral acts that occur under the influence of drugs are increasing in our country.

If we look at the media today, we can see daily news of family breakdown, extramarital affairs and murders. We have to wonder why there is no happiness in family life despite the boom in information technology and increased availability of comforts compared to the olden days.

In the past, there were parents, grandfather, grandmother and natives in the joint family system to advise, guide and give guidance to the children. Today the situation has changed. When the Malayalees moved from the joint family system to the nuclear families, the Malayalees lost time to look at and solve their own problems. There are many instances in the history books where the son or daughter is called and advised before the marriage. Today, we can see among us the immature “new generation kids” who have learned from their own formed ideas and experiences, starting marriages and sex based on information from impractical movies and albums, pornographic videos, and then failing to move forward.

A holy and healthy marriage requires some preparations to proceed without any problems. Marriage requires preparation just as we prepare to face any subject. Since the beginning of adolescence starts around the age of eight, it is necessary to give children at this age the strength to cope with the challenges they may face from society. Instead of educating about marriage life after reaching marriageable age, girls need to be empowered at an early age to resist physical and mental abuse and about future family life. Children may not open up at that age about physical abuse that occurred at a young age. But, it can become a hindrance for married life in future.

There are children who fall into love troubles at an early age. Awareness about this should be given at this age. Children need to be made aware of the tragic consequences of love and the physical and psychological problems that can result from it. Premarital Counseling Since the beginning of adolescence starts at around eight years of age, children need to be equipped to cope with the challenges they may face from society from this time onwards. Pre-marriage counseling is meant to prepare girls for marriage by telling them about marriage and family life, breastfeeding, child rearing, satisfactory sex, communication, family budget planning, male and female psychology, etc. in pre-marital counseling. Boys should also be given scientific education about healthy family life, healthy sex life, abstinence from drugs, planning in life and building good character. Marriage is to some extent the union of two people of two poles and of different culture, character and behavior. It is a physical, mental and spiritual relationship that cannot be united only legally.

Why the discrepancies?

A spark is all it takes to ignite a ember and turn it into a fire. The same is the case with the small problems that occur in life. If all these are not managed in time and maturely, a heavy price will have to be paid. That is where premarital counseling comes in handy. Such counseling can provide a healthy foundation for a marital relationship and build a strong relationship. Premarital therapy helps couples understand their expectations of marriage and provides guidance on how to resolve unrealistic expectations and move forward with life. This type of counseling is done by examining each partner objectively and changing the perspective of the marriage relationship.

Family and cultural issues

Family structure, characteristics of family members, caste-religion-cultural beliefs are factors that significantly affect the partner’s life and marital relationship. In short, conflicting attitudes about everyday behaviors such as what kind of food to cook, what work to do, how to manage money create rifts in relationships. The sooner a couple learns to recognize and maturely handle such differences, the sooner the marital life improves. The main function of pre-marital counseling is to talk out the problems and prepare each other for compromise.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.>

Prevent online child abuse

Find out if your child is a victim of online child abuse and deal with it.

There are some important signs to know if your child has fallen into online child abuse.

  1. 1. A state of using, desiring to use, or thinking more about an online system more often from morning to evening.
  2. Unable to self-regulate time spent using online systems. Play for hours after assuring the parents to stop the game after half an hour. A condition that gets out of control to the point of staying up all night and playing.
  3. Gradually the time of this online usage will increase. The first week it’s half an hour, then it’s an hour. And so the time comes.
  4. If they are unable to use the online system for any reason, i.e. without electricity, if they are unable to use it due to lack of net connection or mobile phone, they will show some symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. When alcohol is not available, excessive anger, anxiety, despair, sadness, and even suicidal tendencies are likely to be displayed as a part of it, like the withdrawal syndrome that occurs in severe alcoholics. Sometimes it can go to the extent of throwing things and breaking things and hurting others.
  5. These online means become the only way to get happiness by avoiding all other happy things. Children lose interest in exercising, listening to music or going outside.
  6. When it goes this way, most people understand that it’s not okay, and that it’s out of our control, but online abuse can’t be eradicated.


If a child exhibits at least three of these 6 symptoms above, then we can understand that the child is being subjected to online slavery. There are many forms of online slavery. The most important is online game addiction. Next is the addiction to porn sites (porn sites), social media addiction and many other forms of online addiction.

When a child is given a digital device, a time limit for using it should be set at the beginning. Parents should clearly determine how much time online devices can be used. Parents should also ensure that their children follow the schedule correctly.


Parental control apps

Effective use of parental control apps can help curb children’s excessive online addiction. Ardamax keylogger is a parental control app for controlling laptop usage. Once it is installed, it can control the time the child uses the laptop, and it also has a mechanism to block any site if you want to block it.

There is an app called mspy cell phone tracker for kids using devices like mobile phones. If it is installed on the mobile used by the child, the details of what the child is using the mobile for will be available as a screen shot on the parent’s mobile. But it is not desirable as it completely violates the privacy of children. So can’t suggest.

Both are paid apps. But the most affordable free apps for the general public can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Google Family Link for Children and Teens app can be downloaded to the mobile used by the child. The Google Family for Parents app can also be installed on the parent’s mobile phone and paired with the two. 3 types of controls are possible once paired.


  1. The parent can set how long the child’s mobile should be used in a day. A mobile that is set for an hour will automatically be disabled after that time limit.
  2. The mobile can also be set to unlock the device on a time-based basis. A mobile that is set to unlock 20 times will automatically be disabled after that number of times.
  3. Some sites can also be blocked. There is also a system to block gaming sites, porn sites, etc. Google Family Link is free to install. There are many parents who are unable to install such apps due to lack of knowledge about cyber devices. It can be installed with the help of someone you trust who is computer literate.


Parents spend time with their children

  • There is one thing that parents should be aware of. Parents should find time to spend at least an hour with their children. This quality time is not about scolding or blaming children. But it is time for parents to listen to what they have to say. Such opportunities help children understand what is happening in their lives. Who they are friends with, and whether their online communication is unhealthy or exploitative, can be detected early on. Parents can take the necessary interventions by understanding all that right from the beginning.

To the creative world

  • The use and addiction of mobile phone comes as something that gives joy to children. So children can be diverted to other activities that bring joy. For example, children can be strongly encouraged to spend time in healthy activities such as listening to music, exercising, letting them play, and going out with friends. Doing so will greatly reduce the risk of falling into mobile slavery.
  • Children can be made aware of how the physical and mental problems caused by excessive use of mobile phones are harmful to learning and memory.


DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.

How many parents know that learning disability in children is an illness? Most people assume that their child is not studying because they are lazy.

Highlights of learning disability

  • Poor handwriting is a symptom of a learning disability.
  • Forgetting what has been learned is also something to be aware of

How many parents know that learning disability in children is an illness? Most people assume that their child is not studying because they are lazy. Early detection of learning disabilities in children and appropriate treatment is essential.

What is a learning disability?

A learning disability is a communication problem that occurs when the brain does not correctly understand what we see, read and learn. A child with this condition may have difficulty learning, reading, writing, speaking, and mastering subjects such as mathematics.

Children suffering from such learning disabilities should not be scolded and beaten. It is necessary to understand their problem and provide proper care and treatment.

Early signs in children

The child will be well-studied during the exam. However, the family will be shocked when they see the answer sheet. Sometimes the child does not even write down the answers that have been learned and heard. Likewise, when it is said, it is said. Anything that you don’t get when you ask later are signs of a learning disability.

If you pay close attention to your child, you may be able to identify learning disabilities in children yourself. If children do not hold the pen or pencil properly to write, if their handwriting is poor, and the discomfort shown by children when called upon to learn, these are all signs of learning disabilities.

Similarly, in the case of writing, you can see that all the words are written together without giving a space to anything. Likewise, they may not write in a precise manner. All the marks in the exams will be low for them. Some children find it difficult to write and pronounce only certain letters. They fail to understand not only letters but also color, number and shape. Similarly, they forget to follow the directions in a proper manner and there is a situation where they don’t even know how to tie their shoes.

Some children are seen refusing to read aloud. Juggling things and trying to read by guesswork are symptoms of learning disabilities, and proper treatment is paramount.

Causes of learning disability

Problems during pregnancy can affect the child’s brain as well as lead to learning disabilities. Similarly, if the parents have this problem, it will also spread to the children. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, fever, malnutrition and physical stress are all major causes of learning disability in children.

To be replaced

If your child is showing any of the above symptoms, you should see a counselor to sort out the child’s problems. Besides, scolding and scaring children is not the solution.

Learning Disability requires proper counselling so we Decsa Clinic offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology.   To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https:“” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> // ….

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