Behavioral problems are more common in children

Behavioral problems are more common in children

Behavioral problems are more common in children

Raising children is not easy unless someone is lying to you. Also, if raising children is “hard,” it becomes more complicated and your life changes a lot. If a child is going through a phase or situation that makes him emotionally unstable, it’s important to know that misbehavior is normal and it’s not always easy to know what’s going on to fix the root problem.

There are parents who think that when a child has a tantrum it is because he has an authority problem and that you should be more strict with him or her, but this is not always the case. Likewise, a toddler who doesn’t know how to keep up doesn’t necessarily mean he has a problem with hyperactivity or attention. When understanding children’s behavior, diagnoses and labels should be kept to a minimum.

What is a conduct disorder?

The term disorder should be used with caution in children up to age 5, and once they reach this age, validity should be questioned. Problems in children between the ages of 0 and 6 do not always indicate problems in adult life or that behavioral problems are evidence of an actual disorder. There are concerns about distinguishing normal from abnormal behavior during this period of rapid developmental change. A conservative approach is best for dealing with behavioral and emotional problems at this age.


Behavioral and emotional disorders in childhood

In rare cases, a child under the age of 5 will receive a diagnosis of severe conduct disorder. However, they may begin to show signs of a disorder that can be diagnosed later in childhood. These may include:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (TOD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Depression
  • Bipolar
  • Learning disabilities
  • Language disorders
  • Behavioral disorders

Oppositional defiant disorder, for example, involves angry outbursts directed at people in authority. But a diagnosis depends on behaviors that persist for more than six months and interfere with the child’s functioning. Conduct disorder is a more serious diagnosis and involves behavior that is cruel to other people and animals. This can include physical violence and criminal activity, behaviors that are extremely rare in preschool-aged children.
Meanwhile, autism is actually a broad spectrum of disorders that affect children in many ways, including behavioral, social, and cognitive. They are considered a neurological disorder, and unlike other behavioral disorders, symptoms can begin in childhood.

Behavioral and emotional problems

More likely than the above clinical conditions is that your child is experiencing a temporary behavioral/or emotional problem. Many of these go over time and require patience and understanding from parents.

In some cases, outside counseling is needed to help children deal effectively with stressors. A professional can help your child learn how to manage his anger, manage his emotions, and communicate his needs more effectively. For obvious reasons, giving medication to children at this age is controversial.

Parenting for Children’s Success

Parenting styles are rarely the cause of childhood behavior problems, and only a negligent parenting behavior can explain childhood conduct disorder, although this can only be assessed by a professional.If you are looking for help with your children’s behavior problems, a good way to solve the problem is with outside help. However, parents have an important role to play in the treatment of behavioral problems that may arise in childhood.

Risk factors for conduct disorders in children

The causes that may lead to behavioral problems are unknown, but some risk factors include:

  • Gender: Boys are more likely to suffer from conduct disorder than girls. It is not clear whether the cause is genetic or related to socialization experiences.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: Difficult pregnancy, premature delivery and low birth weight can in some cases lead to problem behavior in the child’s later life.
  • Temperament: Difficult to handle, temperamental or aggressive, they are more likely to develop disabilities from a young age.
  • Family Life: Behavior disorders are more common in dysfunctional families. For example, a child is at greater risk in families with domestic violence, poverty, poor parenting skills, or substance abuse.
  • Learning difficulties: Reading and writing problems are often associated with behavioral problems.
  • Intellectual Disabilities: Children with intellectual disabilities are twice as likely to develop conduct disorders.
  • Brain development: Studies have shown that children with ADHD have fewer parts of the brain that control attention.

Diagnosis and treatment

Disruptive behavior disorders are complex and may involve many factors acting in combination. For example, a child who exhibits rebellious behavior may also have ADHD, anxiety, depression, and a difficult family life.


Diagnostic methods may include:

  • Diagnosis by a specialized service that includes a pediatrician, psychologist, or child psychiatrist
  • In-depth interviews with parents, child and teachers.
  • Behavior checklists or standardized questionnaires.

A diagnosis is made if the child’s behavior meets criteria for disruptive behavior disorders. It is important to rule out acute stressors that alter the child’s behavior. For example, sick parents or other child victims may be responsible for sudden changes in the child’s normal behavior and these factors should be considered initially.

As for treatment, a trained professional will decide what type of treatment is appropriate depending on the type of diagnosis. Treatment is generally multifaceted and depends on the specific disorder and contributing factors, but may include: parent education, family therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotion management, medication, etc.

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