Face the exam with confidence; Six Habits to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Face the exam with confidence; Six Habits to Reduce Stress and Anxiety


Face the exam with confidence; Six Habits to Reduce Stress and Anxiety


As exams approach, it is common for students to feel anxious and fearful. There are many people who cannot write the exam well due to exam  stress and anxiety. Children are also affected by constant pressure from parents and teachers. Today we are going to talk about some ways to clear the exam board.


How to reduce Stress and Anxiety for the case of examination?

Here are six habits to reduce exam stress. Students can must practice it.

  1. Sleep

Sitting among books without sleep is not a good idea. Lack of sleep can increase mental stress in children. If they don’t get enough sleep, it can affect children mentally. So sleep well at night to reduce stress.

  1. Eat foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vitamin that regulates blood pressure. Studies have shown that the difference in the levels of these two causes stress. So be careful to give vitamin C rich food to children. Guava, capsicum, kiwi, broccoli, papaya and orange should be eaten in abundance.

  1. Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet is good for both body and mind. Also, drinking plenty of water will help reduce exam stress. Eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. is very good. Including these in the diet can also increase concentration.

  1. Exercise

Daily exercise is essential to maintain physical fitness and mental health. Walking, yoga, swimming and doing aerobic exercises are good. Set aside some time for exercise. Regular exercise can help reduce stress.

  1. Walking

A short walk in the morning or evening can help reduce stress. Taking short breaks while studying is great for reducing stress. A 10- to 20-minute walk with friends or family can help reduce stress and increase energy levels.

  1. Pursue new learning methods

Rather than sitting down and reading a topic for a while, it is better to visualize it. Revise what you have learned using flash cards, diagrams, etc. Approach learning with a little more fun. Doing questions and answers on the topic you have studied will help you not to forget them. Make study time more interesting in this way.


We can help you for exam anxiety and stress.DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com/

Behavioral problems are more common in children

Raising children is not easy unless someone is lying to you. Also, if raising children is “hard,” it becomes more complicated and your life changes a lot. If a child is going through a phase or situation that makes him emotionally unstable, it’s important to know that misbehavior is normal and it’s not always easy to know what’s going on to fix the root problem.

There are parents who think that when a child has a tantrum it is because he has an authority problem and that you should be more strict with him or her, but this is not always the case. Likewise, a toddler who doesn’t know how to keep up doesn’t necessarily mean he has a problem with hyperactivity or attention. When understanding children’s behavior, diagnoses and labels should be kept to a minimum.

What is a conduct disorder?

The term disorder should be used with caution in children up to age 5, and once they reach this age, validity should be questioned. Problems in children between the ages of 0 and 6 do not always indicate problems in adult life or that behavioral problems are evidence of an actual disorder. There are concerns about distinguishing normal from abnormal behavior during this period of rapid developmental change. A conservative approach is best for dealing with behavioral and emotional problems at this age.


Behavioral and emotional disorders in childhood

In rare cases, a child under the age of 5 will receive a diagnosis of severe conduct disorder. However, they may begin to show signs of a disorder that can be diagnosed later in childhood. These may include:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (TOD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Depression
  • Bipolar
  • Learning disabilities
  • Language disorders
  • Behavioral disorders

Oppositional defiant disorder, for example, involves angry outbursts directed at people in authority. But a diagnosis depends on behaviors that persist for more than six months and interfere with the child’s functioning. Conduct disorder is a more serious diagnosis and involves behavior that is cruel to other people and animals. This can include physical violence and criminal activity, behaviors that are extremely rare in preschool-aged children.
Meanwhile, autism is actually a broad spectrum of disorders that affect children in many ways, including behavioral, social, and cognitive. They are considered a neurological disorder, and unlike other behavioral disorders, symptoms can begin in childhood.

Behavioral and emotional problems

More likely than the above clinical conditions is that your child is experiencing a temporary behavioral/or emotional problem. Many of these go over time and require patience and understanding from parents.

In some cases, outside counseling is needed to help children deal effectively with stressors. A professional can help your child learn how to manage his anger, manage his emotions, and communicate his needs more effectively. For obvious reasons, giving medication to children at this age is controversial.

Parenting for Children’s Success

Parenting styles are rarely the cause of childhood behavior problems, and only a negligent parenting behavior can explain childhood conduct disorder, although this can only be assessed by a professional.If you are looking for help with your children’s behavior problems, a good way to solve the problem is with outside help. However, parents have an important role to play in the treatment of behavioral problems that may arise in childhood.

Risk factors for conduct disorders in children

The causes that may lead to behavioral problems are unknown, but some risk factors include:

  • Gender: Boys are more likely to suffer from conduct disorder than girls. It is not clear whether the cause is genetic or related to socialization experiences.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: Difficult pregnancy, premature delivery and low birth weight can in some cases lead to problem behavior in the child’s later life.
  • Temperament: Difficult to handle, temperamental or aggressive, they are more likely to develop disabilities from a young age.
  • Family Life: Behavior disorders are more common in dysfunctional families. For example, a child is at greater risk in families with domestic violence, poverty, poor parenting skills, or substance abuse.
  • Learning difficulties: Reading and writing problems are often associated with behavioral problems.
  • Intellectual Disabilities: Children with intellectual disabilities are twice as likely to develop conduct disorders.
  • Brain development: Studies have shown that children with ADHD have fewer parts of the brain that control attention.

Diagnosis and treatment

Disruptive behavior disorders are complex and may involve many factors acting in combination. For example, a child who exhibits rebellious behavior may also have ADHD, anxiety, depression, and a difficult family life.


Diagnostic methods may include:

  • Diagnosis by a specialized service that includes a pediatrician, psychologist, or child psychiatrist
  • In-depth interviews with parents, child and teachers.
  • Behavior checklists or standardized questionnaires.

A diagnosis is made if the child’s behavior meets criteria for disruptive behavior disorders. It is important to rule out acute stressors that alter the child’s behavior. For example, sick parents or other child victims may be responsible for sudden changes in the child’s normal behavior and these factors should be considered initially.

As for treatment, a trained professional will decide what type of treatment is appropriate depending on the type of diagnosis. Treatment is generally multifaceted and depends on the specific disorder and contributing factors, but may include: parent education, family therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotion management, medication, etc.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com

Personality disorders and symptoms

Personality disorder is a type of mental disorder. In which you have rigid and unhealthy thinking, action, and behavior. A person with  personality disorder has trouble understanding and relating to situations and people. Blame others for the challenges you face. Personality disorders usually begin in adolescence or young adulthood.

Most common personality disorders and symptoms

The types of personality disorders are divided into three clusters based on similar characteristics and symptoms. It is not necessary to exhibit all of the listed signs and symptoms to be diagnosed with a disease.

Cluster A personality disorders

  1. Paranoid personality disorder
  • Mistrust and suspicion of others and their motives.
  • Doubts about the trustworthiness or reliability of others.
  • Reluctance to confide in others due to an irrational fear that others will use the information against you.
  • An angry or hostile response to insults.
  • Tendency to hold grudges.
  • Unwarranted, recurring suspicions that a partner or sexual partner is unfaithful.
  1. Schizoid personality disorder
  • Limited range of emotional expression.
  • Inability to find pleasure in most activities.
  • Indifference to others.
  1. Schizotypal personality disorder
  • Strange dress, thinking, beliefs, speech or behavior.
  • Strange experiences such as hearing a voice/hearing your name being whispered.
  • Inappropriate emotional responses.
  • Social anxiety and feeling deprived or uncomfortable with close relationships.
  • Indifference, inappropriate or suspicious response to others.
  • “Magical Thinking” – Believing that you can influence people and events through your thoughts.
  • Belief that some ordinary events or occurrences have hidden messages only for you.

Cluster B personality disorders

These types of personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional, or unpredictable thinking or behavior. These include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, hysterical personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder.

  1. Antisocial personality disorder
  • Ignore the needs or feelings of others.
  • Constantly lie, steal and use aliases.
  • It is recurring legal issues.
  • Repeated violation of the rights of others.
  • Aggressive, often violent behavior.
  • Disregard the safety of self or others.
  • Impulsive behavior.
  • Consistently irresponsible behavior.
  • Lack of remorse for behavior.
  1. Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Impulsive and risky behavior such as engaging in unprotected sex, gambling or overeating.
  • An unstable or weak self-image.
  • Unstable and intense relationships.
  • Sudden mood swings, often in response to interpersonal stress and suicidal behavior or threats of self-harm.
  • Intense fear of being alone or abandoned.
  • Frequent angry outbursts.
  1. Hysterionic Personality Disorder
  • Constantly seeking the attention of others.
  • Being overly emotional, dramatic, or sexually provocative to get attention.
  • Talks dramatically with strong opinions but lacks the facts or details to put them into action.
  • Easily influences others.
  • Rapidly changing emotions.
  • Excessive concern about one’s own body.
  • Relationships with others are thought to be closer than they actually are.
  1. Narcissistic personality disorder
  • Believe that you are special and more important than others.
  • Fantasies about power, success, and attractiveness.
  • Exaggeration of achievements or abilities.
  • Expect constant praise.
  • Unreasonable expectations of blessings and benefits, often taking advantage of others.
  • Jealousy of others or the belief that others are jealous of you.

Cluster C personality disorders

Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxiety, fearful thinking, or behavior.

  1. Avoidant personality disorder
  • Looks very sensitive.
  • Avoid work activities that require close contact.
  • Feeling inadequate, inferior, or unattractive.
  • Fear of recognition, embarrassment or ridicule.
  • Appears socially shy and isolated.
  1. Dependent Personality Disorder
  • Overly dependent on others.
  • Submissive behavior towards others.
  • Difficulty starting or doing projects on your own due to lack of confidence.
  • Difficulty disagreeing with others due to fear of self-image.
  • Feeling an urgent need to start a new relationship when a close relationship ends.
  1. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
  • Feeling unable to complete a project, feeling overly sad when the project is not perfect.
  • Excessive commitment to work.
  • Inability to discard broken or worthless items.
  • Be tough and stubborn.
  • Poor control over budget and spending.
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are not the same as anxiety disorders.


Personality has to do with how you see, understand, and relate to the outside world, as well as how you see yourself.

Your genes: Your parents may pass on certain personality traits to you through inherited genes. These traits are called your personality.

Your environment: This includes the environment in which you grew up, events that happened, and relationships with family members and others.

Genes in some people may cause personality disorders.

Risk factors

Although the exact cause of personality disorders is unknown, certain factors appear to increase the risk of the disorder.

Abusive or unstable family life during childhood.

Diagnosed with childhood conduct disorder.

Differences in brain chemistry and structure.


Personality disorders can significantly affect the lives of the affected person and those who care for that person. Personality disorders may cause problems in relationships, work, or school, leading to social isolation or alcohol or drug use.

When to see a doctor?

If you have symptoms of a personality disorder, see your doctor, another primary care professional, or a mental health professional. Untreated, personality disorders can cause significant problems in your life that can get worse without treatment.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com


 Want happiness and peace These five things to improve mental health

Want happiness and peace? These five things to improve mental health

Everyone knows that if you can progress peacefully at home and at work, that is the greatest achievement. This experience should be not only physical but also mental. Mental health is an important part of every human life. Many people tell us about the need for good eating habits and exercise to stay healthy. But it is a fact that many people do not even find time to think about the health of the mind. Studies show that one in four people are suffering from mental health problems. So let’s take care of some things that should be followed in the lifestyle to maintain mental health.


Tips for Mental health


  1. Exercise helps you stay positive not only physically but also mentally. Studies show that aerobic exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Running, swimming, cycling, walking and dancing are all exercises that bring joy to the mind.
  2. Exercise is not only for the body but also for the mind. Meditation can help you get rid of stress and other problems. Even meditating for 30 minutes a day can help you reduce stress and increase mental toughness. Practicing things like yoga can also help you move forward with more optimism and interest in the world around you.
  3. Stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms can all be caused by lack of sleep. Eat something light an hour before bed and make sure you get enough exercise. Regularly arranging sleep at the same time will help you get a good night’s sleep. Avoid watching TV and looking at mobile phones late at night.
  4. The only way to control your inner stress is to express it. Often, no matter how dear they are to the people around them, they may not be able to open up about everything. In these situations, taking a book and jotting down what comes to mind can help.
  5. Make time for things that make you happy. Identifying such hobbies and indulging in them is sure to keep the mind awake and happy. Examples of this are sewing, dancing and music.

DECSA offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com




What is relationship counselling?

Relationship counselling seems to be a complex term but when we say couple’s therapy or couple’s counselling it seems to be more easier to relate with. Every person who is married will go through many ups and downs in their relationship with their partner. In this regard the term “Relationship Counselling” becomes vital. It can be as simple as a therapy with an expert counsellor dealing with the partners.


Relationship problems in current families

There is a complete overhaul of family structure in this new era. Many factors have affected the changes in the family setup nowadays.The new age family is attributed to working women. So there is a shift from the traditional Indian family concept where men were the only breadwinner and women were restricted to the kitchen. What makes it special is that now both the partners are working and the fast paced life has created much fuss in the relationships.


Why Relationship counselling important?

There is a lack of time and lack of understanding in this new age world which is also affecting the family lives too. People especially in relationships need to talk more and understand each other.But sadly, the new families don’t have time for each other. Understanding humans is very complex and people living together can’t understand each other, which means it is a downfall in their family life. The relationship problems can affect a person’s overall life especially the professional life which will decrease their quality of life.

In this context , relationship counselling is important to have an expert say on the problems they are facing. The psychologist or therapist who is an expert in this can mediate their talks and help them to understand better. This helps them to communicate their feelings effectively and the psychologist may give them expert opinion or suggestions to improve their family lives.


In Decsa,we offer expert counselling therapies for couples to find solutions to their relationship problems.Decsa Clinic offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology.  To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com





Parenting is always related to two aspects of both Nature and Nurture. The “nature” part of the equation refers to the basic temperament the child is born with, i.e., the personality characteristic of the child. According to the psychologist’s Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess described (1950) the following 3 types of personality children are born with:


  1. The difficult or spirited child: the child who doesn’t adapt well to new situations and who tends to have a negative attitude much of the time.
  2. The slow-to-warm-up child: the child who is very cautious and shy when faced with new

situations who are slow to warm up to new people.

  1. The easy child: the child who is upbeat, adaptable and mild to moderate in intensity and





Considering the personality typeps of the children and other theories of developmental psychology which parents refer to or follow these days, parents initially may decide on basics, for instance, values which mean the most to them, such as empathy, affection, conscience, self-control, respect, kindness,tolerance, and fairness. Few other aspects which can be taken into consideration for the preparation of parenthood are as follows:


  1. Emotional Literacy: It is highly important to teach children how to recognize and be able to read others’ emotions. This can be done by talking about the characters and interacting “feelings” with each other, eliciting important points from the side of children as well.


  1. Become updated: Parents may take a new look at the current affairs or aspects that might be related to children’s knowledge at appropriate ages. This may include travelling, knowledge, games, business-related news, self-care tips, and other information related to daily life-living.


iii. Check out for children’s choice of entertainment: In addition to watching certain political

channels, sexist, racist, and violent content on social media, parents may lookout for materials or content that promotes values that are incompatible with their own; therefore parents can make use of substitutes that help in distracting children from watching illegal content but as well important to let them know or teach the crimes at their appropriate age.


  1. Setting high moral standards: While children express any negative sort of behaviour, parents can help children mould their thoughts in a respectful way in which they set certain moral standards that children can follow.


  1. Appreciation: Appreciation is very much important in any relationship. During the time of

parenthood and disciplining the child, appreciation is something that children also learn and use to the world around them. For the children to “learn to appreciate”, parents initially have to acknowledge and consider even the smallest effort children put in wherein they learn to grow in disciplining themselves.


  1. Accepting “it’s okay” and moving on: We are all imperfect. All our five fingers are not the same.Thus, when parents fail at some aspect in their child’s development to improve, parents may learn to accept and find ways to improve themselves and help their children in their areas of struggles accordingly and understand the fact that every child is unique.


vii. Promoting healthy communication: It does take a lot of time to build healthy communication in our homes. Encouraging healthy communication is never a piece of cake unless it involves parents’ investment in time and effort. Whenever the children are talking endlessly it is highly important for parents to pay attention to them, suppose parents are in a meeting, they may kindly or lovingly convey the matter to the children in a way that they understand to respect their parents’ time. Communication says it all.


Following are some of the aspects that have failed the communication between parents and

their children:


  1. Interrupting the child when he or she is opening up.
  2. Jumping to conclusions before even arriving at the facts.
  3. Failing to comprehend.
  4. Not paying attention to the child.
  5. Showing dislike about what the child is saying and going down on them.
  6. Failing to see the huge deal of what the child is opening up about because it seems

completely insignificant to the parents.

  1. Questioning children a lot that makes them reminisce.
  2. The past events that might have disturbed them, parents are advised to “let go”.
  3. Offering constant advice is another aspect because it can literally “bore” the child or

have them disobey you, rather parents can find “smart ways” to get their children obey

or merely take suggestions or help from parents for their matters.

  1. Giving classes or lecturing children is something that is a lot of information to the child,

some of it might be insignificant to them too, rather parents at this point may put the

point through straight away by being polite or “sweet” to their children and enlighten them regarding the “material” that is related to them or age-appropriate rather than

offering lectures.




Healthy communication, enculturating values in children, learning from the mistakes and taking actions to improve both for parents and their children, coping with abnormal behaviours of the children, being in support with the children, especially mentally which can develop empathy thereby leading to having a secure attachment and or develop feelings of affection, nurturing and nurturing both parents and children all sum up “Preparing for parenthood”. Often parents have reported about other challenges being faced in the journey of becoming parents such as sleep deprivation, finding proper medications for seizures, constant household chaos caused by a child’s hyperactivity, and especially toilet training. Therefore, essential counselling for parenthood, psychoeducation, acquiring basic training in developmental psychology, and seeking help from other medical supports all can be of great benefit for the preparation of parenthood.


Parenting always brings many new happiness and challenges in life. So professional help is always needed in assistance for new parents. We DECSA  offers one of the best psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology.  To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com.





Considering the current trends in the world where people are growing, aspiring, and striving to be successful in the future, parenting on the other hand is also anything that involves the very same hardest job any person ever will have to do. So, such a transition of being a couple to parents involves preparation such as physically, psychologically, and financially.Now, What is “Parenting”? Parenting is often defined as the first mode of socialisation, which is training and preparing children to meet the demands of their environments and take advantage of opportunities within those environments.



Cultural Approaches to Parenting (The Crosscurrents in Contemporary Psychology Series) M.H. (1991)., is one of the research studies by Bornstein ,in it, it was mentioned that,

“the particular and continuing task of parents is to train children culturally according to their
surroundings in the environment; to prepare them for socially accepted physical, economic and psychological situations that are characteristic of the culture in which they are to survive and thrive.Along with parenting comes the concept of attachment. It is an emotional bond that occurs between parents and their children which ensures the child’s confidence that the caregiver is available to meet his or her needs.



To understand such a fact, we can see in one of the research studies of attachment between parents and their children that was conducted by Diann M Ackard; Dianne Neumark-Sztainer;Mary Strong and Cheryl Perry, on the topic – “Parent-Child Connectedness and behavioural and emotional health among adolescents”; aimed to examine teen perceptions of connectedness between mother,father and the child. This study basically focused on valuing opinions of the parents and perception of parental communication and, caring and associations with behavioural and emotional health, reported that boys and girls value their parents’ opinion when making serious decisions and believing that their parents cared about them. However, peers who reported that their mother cared quite a bit or very much, youths who reported feeling as though their mother cared very little or not at all about them reported particularly high prevalence rates of the following issues:

i. Unhealthy weight control behaviours (63.49% girls; 25.45% boys)
ii. Suicide attempts (33.51% girls; 21.28% boys)
iii. Low-self esteem (47.15% girls; 24.56% boys)
iv. Depression (63.52% girls; 33.35% boys)

The study concluded that the perception of adolescents of low parental caring, difficulty talking to their parents about problems, and valuing their friends’ opinions for serious decisions were significantly associated with compromised behavioural and emotional health.
Many of us think that what it means to be a good parent is related to the quality time spent, for instance, at the dinner table or in front of the basketball hoop. In one of the surveys conducted by Parenting Magazine in 2002, it was founded that 95% of parents believe that their kids feel at least as loved, or more loved than they did during their growing-up years; while at the same time 75% of parents report that they are more affectionate and involved than their parents were when they were young.



Preparing for parenthood means stepping onto another planet to start a new life by giving a new life to the offspring. On the journey of becoming parents it is imperative to consider the goals of parents which are :

i. Survival: to promote the physical survival and health of their children.
ii. Economic: to foster the skill, behaviors, and capacities that the children will need for economic self-maintenance as adults.
iii. Self-actualization: to foster behavioral capacities for maximizing cultural values and beliefs.
In addition, it is also important to consider the factors that influence parenthood such as family size,religion, race, financial stability, type of conjugal-role relationships, and psychosocial aspects of sexual relations.

So becoming parents is a big responsibility as you have to nurture your children to become good individuals.We decsa offer all kinds of professional services in calicut.We the best psychologists in calicut are for your help always.

Any type of mental disorder requires proper counselling so we Decsa Clinic offers one of the finest psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology. To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com.






Do you have the habit of fuming over silly issues even if it is done by your loved one’s.Does this act have hurted your close one’s?. Surely this act of frustration have made a serious gap in your personal relationships.All of these problems are associated with a lack of anger management.


Getting angry

Anger is a normal behaviour pattern until it is under control. Uncontrollable anger can take a toll on both your health and personal relationships.Getting angry is a human nature and managing anger doesn’t mean never getting angry.


Managing anger

Managing anger involves the activities of coping with anger. It includes learning on how to recognize,control and express your anger in healthy and productive ways. Actually it is a skill that everyone can learn. Anger is not itself a mental illness but it can be connected with other disorders.


Anger control measures

Some measures can keep your anger under control:


  • Think before you act: Any action or words can cause you to get angry.So just try to ask yourself before doing anything when you act in a public or personal situation.


  • Identify triggers: Everyone has situations which will get them angry. Try to identify such situations and make a note of it to have enough control on it.


  • Consider the after effect , whether your anger is helpful or unhelpful:Try to analyse the situation and act accordingly. If your anger is for a goodpurpose or it is helpful, it is ok. But in any other situation it is just awkward.For example, when a person’s right  is denied or violated and if you need to  show anger because you are frustrated, it is completely ok in that situation. In such cases your anger will be helpful. Try to identify the after effect.


  • Talk through your feelings:If there is someone who can calm you down,talk to them and it can have a soothing effect on you. Finding the right person is also very important .


  •  Practising a workout /yoga :Breathing exercise ,yoga or any other fitness activity will help you to keep calm and composed. It will help a person both physically and mentally.Regular exercise help you to decompress. It increases aerobic activity which reduces stress and help you to get calm and composed.



So anger management is not a tough task. But professional help from a psychologist or therapist will help you to manage it effectively.

It is important for a person to get professional care in Anger management especially if they are facing another mental disorder. Any type of mental disorder requires proper counselling so Decsa Clinic offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology.  To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com.


Is anxiety really a problem

Is anxiety really a problem?

Everyone feels anxiety or commonly called stress at some or other point in their life. Most of them are part of normal life but some level of elevated persistent kind of fear,worry or nervousness should be taken care of. This will eventually affect their quality of life. So anxiety disorder should be taken care of.

Anxiety Disorder in normal life

It affected individuals feeling overwhelmed, ashamed or embarrassed by their symptoms.People who have this disorder often try to hide their symptoms or downplay the impact that anxiety has on their lives, leading to a relevant question whether anxiety disorders are really a problem.Anxiety cannot be ruled out as a problem of mind.It is also a problem of the body.There are many physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat,sweating,shaking.In severe cases panic attacks are caused by anxiety disorder which can even be life threatening.Its often occurs with other mental health conditions also such as depression ,making it more dangerous. Untreated anxiety disorder can affect work,productivity,relationships and even substance abuse.


Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

The main symptoms are excessive fear or worry. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Panic fear or uneasiness.
  • Feelings of panic, danger etc.
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Not being able to stay calm and still.
  • Cold,sweaty,numb feet, etc.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Breathing faster.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Heart palpitations.

Treatment of Anxiety Disorder

 Anxiety Disorder treatment involves therapy,medication or a combination of both. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that is commonly used to treat. There are also some medications prescribed as a part of the treatment.

Living with anxiety disorder is very challenging,but it is important to remember that help is also available.Seeking treatment from a mental health professional can make a more significant difference in managing symptoms and improving quality of life.It is important for a person to get professional care for Anxiety Disorder.

Anxiety Disorder requires proper counselling .Decsa Clinic offers one of the finest psychologists in calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology.  To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https://www.decsaclinic.com




Learning disability or LD is a condition in the brain that causes difficulties comprehending or processing information and can be caused by several different factors. It is mainly caused by the way the brain takes in stores and recalls information. They interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing, time management, social skills etc.

Living with Learning disabilities can impact the child’s relationship with close ones and may also affect their self-esteem. If you can find a learning disability earlier there are many ways to overcome this difficulty.There are specific instructions and compensatory strategies to help children with this disability.


Basically, there are 3 types of LD. Which can be classified as

  • difficulty with words-dyslexia
  • difficulty with calculations- dyscalculia
  • difficulty with writing – dysgraphia


Students with LD may experience problems in the classroom environment while doing activities such as reading, writing, solving problems and communicating with peers.     Children with LD can be identified by their parents. Take time with the learning child and have a basic understanding of the disabilities or impairments children show.

LD looks different from one child to another. One child might be struggling with reading and spelling, while another may have problems with numbers and calculations. All the problems or troubles look different but all of these are arisen due to LD.

Identifying Learning disabilities is not easy because understanding a child is much tougher at a tender age. There are wide varieties of symptoms so it is difficult to single out.



 The following list contains some common red flags which should be noted to find out LD.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Difficulty in pronouncing words.
  • The problem in finding the right word.
  • Difficulty in rhyming.
  • The problem in following directions.
  • Trouble learning the alphabet, colours, shapes,days of week etc.
  • Difficulty controlling crayons, pencils, scissors or colouring within lines.
  • Slow to learn new skills.
  • The problem in learning maths concepts.
  • Difficulty telling time and remembering sequences.
  • Poor organisational skills.
  • Poor handwriting.
  • Avoids reading aloud.


The above-mentioned signs and symptoms are faced by children normally but a frequent occurrence should be noted. All these problems can be solved through scientific training. In order to have professional expertise in dealing with your child’s disability we must get to the psychological clinic.

Learning Disability requires proper counselling so we Decsa Clinic offers one of the best psychologists in Calicut. We are providing a host of services in mental health and psychology.   To recover mental health with the help of expert psychologists, clinical psychologists, and psychology professionals. Family Counselling, Psychotherapy Psychological problems like learning disorders, which the Decsa clinic assists you in resolving. Decsa clinic has provided some of the best psychologists in Calicut.https: //www.decsaclinic.com. ….

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